Justeru itu adalah amat wajar gelaran datuk yang disandang oleh Yip Kum Fook digugurkan atau patus ditarik balik. Perbuatan Yip Kum Fook merupakan satu penghinaan keatas gelaran datuk! . Amat memalukan seorang yang bergelar datuk membuat kerja kotor sebegini!!. Ia satu kesalahan jenayah (sombong, tipu, fitnah). Mana mungkin seorang bergelar datuk terlibat dengan jenayah!!
Rakyat Buddhisme supaya tidak mudah diperbodoh-bodoh dengan lakonan politik kotor dalam Kuil Buddha untuk mengaibkan individu tertentu. “Kita dijadikan ‘penonton bodoh’ yang seakan-akan merelakan apa sahaja watak yang mereka lakonkan”.
“Politik kita memerlukan nafas baru dan dibersihkan dari golongan yang jijik dan kotor ini! Kita perlukan politik idea, bagaimana dan cara membangunkan umat dan rakyat agar hidup berdisiplin, bermaruah dan bertamadun.
“Buddhisme melarang didedahkan aib peribadi yang tidak membabitkan kezaliman terhadap orang lain seperti zina, minum arak, berjudi dan seumpamanya(Five precepts) hendaklah ditutup semampu mungkin.
“Tiada keperluan menubuhkan suruhanjaya khas bagi kes-kes maksiat peribadi. Ini hanya akan membazirkan harta rakyat,” katanya
Kepada YB. Perdana Menteri Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak,
Di sini saya ingin mengatakan bahawa BN kalah bukanlah koncern BN tak baik, khas nya MCA kerana kebanyakan Ahli MCA cabangan bawah, pemimpinnya sudah berjaya sombong dan tidak berkhimat dan ular, olih itu mengakibatkan ramai Malay, Cina dan India naik marah dan kalah PRU 13 teruk
Contohnya yang saya tahu Pengerusi MCA GOMBAK YIP KUM FOOK dan Permuda MCA GOMBAK YIP JIUN HANN, mereka ular sampai wang Tokong pun berani telang dan halau Sami Buddha keluar dari tokong, orang ramai benci MCA.
Apabila mereka tolong Donald Lim Siang Chai di Selayang, orang ramai salah sangka Donald Lim sama satu kaki……
Sekira MCA cuba ingin memulit nama baik dan sokongan olih orang ramai semula, pemimpin seperti ini patut di kikis dengan bersih dalam parti, Kalau tidak sampai bila pun susah memulit semangat
Kepada setia usaha UMNO Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan bin Tengku Mansor, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, Presiden MIC Datuk Seri G. Palanivel, Presiden PPP Dr. Kanagaratnam Pillai dan pemimpin-pemimpin komponen BN,
Demi kepentingan Negara kami YIP KUM FOOK (Ketua MCA GOMBAK) NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR JALAN 53, DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100, KL Ketua Pemuda MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN, No. Suite 3.43, Kompleks Desa, Jalan Kepong,, 52100, Kuala Lumpur. Jayanti B. Balaguru (Pengurusi parti gerakan Segambot) dan Ooi Ah Bah (Chia Ooi Sun & Co.) Advocates & Solicitors No. 48-1, 1st Floor Jalan Brunei Utara off Changkat Thambi Dollah, Pudu, KL.
Dengan segala hormatnya disini, harap semua pemimpin-pemimpin parti komponen BN sebulat suara menjemput bekas perdana menteri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Ke Putra Jaya menolong kerajaan mentadbir Negara mencapai kejayaan lebih cemerlang
Kami yakin berkeliber dan pengalaman bekas Perdana Menteri Dr. Mahathir bolih melindungi kedaulatan dan mengekalkan keamanan Negara. Harap Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad jangan mengecewakan Rakyat Malaysia
To all the esteemed brothers and sisters. We are a Myanmar group in Malaysia; we have lived in Malaysia for a decade and always go to the temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION) No: 19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and we are very sad and sorry with the Temple Committee Members because they use monks as like animals, we are in the wrong notion of the Buddhist teachings or the rules of the Buddha. We came to this Temple to help the Monks and respected our religion. That the Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI) is a Chairman named Datuk YIP KUM FOOK (Chairman of MCA Gombak Division), our monks said and they invited our monks from Myanmar to take care of the Temple but without making any payment to our monks, they added and disrespected them of us Monks and at times he ordered his people to collect items such as paper, and so on. The chairman took the mineral water without informing any word to our monks. In our religion we believe we cannot take any Holy Place (Temple) all are the sins, if we took... this chairman of Temple is very badly like animals, he without knowledge in Buddhism at all…. In the previous, our monks said the Committee Member always asked for money from him, when our monk gave RM20, 000.00 in cash in 2001 to the Chairman (Yip kum Fook), then the Committee was silent, the Committee then made trouble with one of our Sami named Ven. U Nandiya again and revoked our monk (Visa permit) permit to stay in Malaysia, then our monk (Sadayaw U Nandiya) went to Australia and our monk did not come to the Temple in the long run. Datuk Yip Kum Fook (Chairman of MCA Gombak division) gave a notebook computer to our monk for the protection of the amount of money, this is what our monk told; Many locals around the Temple said, now no more people come to this Temple because Committee Members are always making trouble or very arrogant and we heard from locals say: Yip Kum Fook (Chairman of MCA Gombak division) ordered his people to burn the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong because he needed the place to make a furniture store business, this happened a few years ago. Everyone knows what is being done for the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. And we need to share all detail information about this YIP KUM FOOK & SAMNAK SAMBODHI to all Buddhist devotees in the world…. this YIP KUM FOOK will more suffer and he will vomit out in what he eats…KARMA...OK
To those involved: The Buddha's drive was not focused on the creation of new political institutions and the establishment of political arrangements. It basically seeks to address the problems of society by reforming the individuals that make up that society and by introducing some general principles by which society can be guided towards more humanism. Better welfare of members and more equitable sharing of resources On the other hand, May Datuk Yip Kum Fook, the father of the Buddha, because he can play dirty politics inside a Buddhist temple (SANMAK SAMBODHI) at 19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia if the Buddha is still alive. The Buddha would shout to his father because he had little knowledge. Why were the people of the temple so foolish with the humans chosen as the head of the crooks? However, this does not mean that Buddhists cannot or should not participate in the political process which is a fact of society. The lives of members of society are dictated by laws and regulations. The permissible economic arrangements within the country, the institutionalization which is influenced by the political arrangement of the society. wrong to gain political power and it is not advisable for those who have given up their worldly lives to pursue a pure religious life to participate actively in politics. http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5040639430601272283&postID=5463664705737945036&page=3&token=1336918037757 BUDDHIST MAHA VIHARA' Brickfields, KL.
Saudara dan saudari yang mencintai Dharma Biar saya ceritakan sejarah tentang SAMNAK SAMBODHI, TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. Kali terakhir kami menjadi ahli kuil tetapi kini kami berjauhan kerana kini Ahli Jawatankuasa amat berbangga dengan aktiviti dan tugas kuil. Sebaliknya, presiden kuil sekarang ialah YIP KUM FOOK dan anaknya YIP JIUN HANN. Anaknya selalu berkata kepada para penganut: KUIL INI ADALAH KUIL BAPA SAYA. Atau ayah saya punnya harta …kami semua diam, kerana Kami tahu kuil ini dari mana asalnya... Kini AHLI JAWATANKUASA kuil adalah satu-satunya kumpulan mereka sahaja. Orang lain tidak boleh menyertai sebagai ahli dan menggunakan sami Myanmar hanya untuk perkhidmatan dan berkat. Hanya sami Myanmar sahaja yang sangat fikiran cerdik (Semua sami dari Myanmar berpangkat DR atau PH. D), tetapi penganut di sini sangat keliru kerana penganut Buddha di sini tidak pernah mendengar nama itu (gelaran). Jika kita faham ajaran Buddha yang mencipta KARMA BURUK. akan menerima apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Jawatankuasa sebelumnya Samnak Sambodhi, Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK ADALAH PRESIDEN SAMNAK SAMBODHI, KUIL BUDDHA ATAU PERSATUAN BUDDHA DI TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR..DIA SELALU MENIPU ORANG DENDA RM40,000 PALSUKAN TANDATANGAN [METROTV] Jurutera didenda RM40,000 palsu tandatangan berhubung pembinaan bangle KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang jurutera sebuah syarikat perunding pembinaan didenda RM40,000 oleh Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini selepas mengaku bersalah atas pertuduhan memalsukan tandatangan pada sebuah dokumen berhubung cadangan pembinaan sebuah banglo.
Hakim Azura Alwi menjatuhkan hukuman itu ke atas Toh Hwee Sheng, 46, dan memerintahkannya dipenjara enam bulan jika gagal membayar denda itu.
Toh didakwa dengan curangnya menggunakan suatu dokumen sebagai tulen iaitu sebuah buku ‘Structure Design Calculation’ bertarikh 2 Ogos 2014 berhubung kiraan dan pelan struktur bagi cadangan membina sebuah banglo dua setengah tingkat di atas Lot PT 1, No 1, Jalan 5, Selayang Baru, Mukim Batu, Gombak, Selangor daripada Lieng Consult kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook iaitu pemilik tanah yang mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai dokumen itu adalah palsu.
Tertuduh didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu antara 2 hingga 12 Ogos 2014, di No 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya Kepong di sini, mengikut Seksyen 471 Kanun Keseksaan yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 465 kanun sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum dua tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya.
Pegawai Pendakwa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Mohd Aliff Shaharuzaman memohon hukuman setimpal bagi memberi pengajaran kepada tertuduh kerana amalan pemalsuan dan meniru tandatangan pemilik syarikat adalah kesalahan serius dan menjadi barah dalam masyarakat jika tidak ditangani.
Tertuduh yang tidak diwakili peguam merayu hukuman denda dikenakan ke atasnya dengan jumlah yang minimum kerana dia mempunyai tanggungan termasuk ibu yang berumur 76 tahun.
“Ini adalah kesalahan pertama dan saya tiada rekod jenayah. Saya amat kesal dan insaf atas kesalahan ini dan berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi, jadi saya mohon hukuman denda minimum tanpa hukuman penjara,” katanya.
Mengikut fakta kes, pada 2013, Yip Kum Fook iaitu bekas Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Selayang mengarahkan syarikat tertuduh bekerja iaitu Lieng Consult menyediakan Borang A, Kiraan Struktur dan Pelan Struktur bagi cadangan membina sebuah banglo dua setengah tingkat di atas lot tersebut, namun penyediaan dokumen itu tanpa pengetahuan Lieng Wei Ming selaku pemilik syarikat.
Lieng memaklumkan semua dokumen itu tidak dikeluarkan oleh syarikatnya dan mengesahkan tandatangan pada dokumen itu juga bukan miliknya.
Selain itu, tertuduh juga menerima wang RM10,000 daripada Yip atas pembayaran kerja yang dilakukan iaitu menyediakan semua dokumen itu dan hasil semakan Bahagian Forensik SPRM mengesahkan tandatangan pada dokumen ‘Structure Design Calculation’ adalah berbeza dengan spesimen tandatangan diambil daripada Lieng. -Bernama
Kerajaan Malaysia akan memeriksa Yip Kum Fook (peguam dan presiden Samnak Sambodhi atau persatuan Buddha, Taman Desa Jaya, kepong) kerana peguam ini menipu orang di mana-mana......Yip Kum Fook & Associates, Kuala Lumpur... No. 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur
We inform everyone in Malaysia and Australia about YIP KUM FOOK(lawyer). He is the chairman of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This YIP KUM FOOK do not refund Rm20,000.00 to our Ven. Nandiya (Myanmar Monk), he recently lived in Australia Buddhist Temple SASANA DAJA 49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe, NSW 2141 Australia
If anyone goes to SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, please inform to (Yip Kum Fook) about the refund of monks.
May you all do good deeds and protect the Buddha. Protection is better than doing anything in Buddhism.
We are a SAMNAK SAMBODHI group that opened in Taman Ehsan move to Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong in 1992, then Temple has bought the place as it is now the place
As such, we are a set of committee members for our SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. Shia Kok Sun president at that time, then YIP KUM FOOK took over from Shia Kok Sun without any meeting
Shia Kok Sun & family worked hard to develop our Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple, when YIP KUM FOOK became president, then slowly problems arose because this YIP KUM FOOK was political, all ideas about politic
At that time YIP KUM FOOK was the MCA in Taman Daya, Kepong, also this YIP KUM FOOK was playing politics at the Temple because he needed to gather more supporters for politics, sometimes he invited some politicians to join the ceremony at the Temple
This YIP KUM FOOK pushed the monk out of the Temple and also called the police to arrest the Buddhist monk, then he closed the temple door and cheated people money and cheated Myanmar monk’s money
He is called Datuk but we do not mention Datuk because we are ashamed of people, if we call him Datuk, this is a shame for our Sultan of Selangor because of the title from the sultan of Selangor
We do not say more, everyone can research on the internet, if everyone would like to know more information about YIP KUM FOOK, please go to GOOGLE & YOUTUBE, also please share and forward to everyone
By Ms Chan and Buddhist group, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL
YIP KUM FOOK menghancurkan Sangha kerana dia memaksa Sami Buddha keluar dari Kuil dan kemudian mengunci kuil, juga memanggil polis untuk menangkap Sami Buddha, juga menggunakan samseng untuk memusnahkan Sami Buddha
Ramai yang menyamannya di mahkamah, seperti steven Lee (saudara selayang Mall), pasar burung(ah Choy) En Lim Sg. Buluh and etc. juga dia menipu duit Sami Myanmar (Ven. Nandaya) lebih kurang RM20,000.00 tak pernah bayar balik tapi masih tak tahu.
Datuk (Yip Kum Fook) ini sangat teruk seperti binatang; semua orang kena titah apa-apa kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Agong) kerana malu seluruh Malaysia bergelar Datuk, kita akan perutusan kepada sultan Selangor
The largest rebel against Buddhists and Hindu in Malaysia is YIP KUM FOOK and he is a lawyer in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, maybe his lawyer is a fake certificate because he is not like someone who studied law. Lawyers must be at least 6 years to study, but we're the same age, but we've never seen him take that class because YIP KUM FOOK is busy with a furniture store business in Kepong area
He ordered the people to burn the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong because at that time he was the MCA chairman in Taman Daya and he had power there, the other because he needed a place to set up his furniture shop business
In Buddhism, he was the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong in 1994, before the president of the temple was SHIA KOK SUN, YIP KUM FOOK this joined the committee members then he rejected SHIA KOK SUN, then he took over as president
Happened at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, from him taking over the presidential temple, was never peaceful and always a problem because he was a trouble maker, pushing the old committee and various making a mess in the Temple
Instead, he defrauded a Myanmar monk (ven. Nandiya) of about rm20,000.00, called police and gangster to remove the Buddhist monk, a monk is from Penang (Ven. Piya Dhammo), and ordered his group to lock down the temple
YIP KUM FOOK will receive his Karma in what he does, all the GODS have seen and always commented on him and he will suffer forever in this life and the next life… all need to care about YIP KUM FOOK…
Description by Cikgu Cheong
This is with your message Excellent and please share with everyone .... thank you ... by Hindu groups in Malaysia
VEN. PIYADHAMMO originally from Penang came to Samnak Sambodhi, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, to visit and practice the Dhamma but he was unlucky to meet President SAMNAK SAMBODHI as YIP KUM FOOK, this president is very cruel, narrow –minded and action(proud), he is more jealous of who is better than him
YIP KUM FOOK this does not know about the teachings of Buddhism and Kamma in Buddhism because what is meant by Buddhist monks, also he does not know what Sanghas in Buddhism, he does not know Buddhists, here are monks, monks are the disciple of Buddha
Every Bhikkhu, they have their master to advise and take care of, if they go make trouble somewhere, someone has to report to their master, not you (YIP KUM FOOK) to remove the Bhikkhu from the Temple
From that time till now, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE is not peaceful because of you (YIP KUM FOOK), your mind is very dirty, add you with your friend also you cheat on them, this is your friends who said, about you, next you will live alone…..
Venerable PHRA PIYA DHAMMO is a retired police officer of the Singapore narcotics criminal investigation department, after he retired and he joined the monastic life at the Mahindarama Temple in Penang under Venerable Dr. Elgiriye Indarathana, the incumbent chief at the time
Later, he practiced Buddhist teachings, Dhamma, and temple rules by wearing white clothes for three years before being ordained a Buddhist monk and he lived with a chief monk for five years to study full subjects in Buddhism to follow the rules of Vinaya (culture, morality, meditation and others)
Therefore, my Master (Phra Piya Dhammo) said, he travelled to many places to practice the Dhamma and gain more experience in the areas of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Melaka
And he stopped at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong for training under a good MASTER there, but so many Ghosts to be bothered as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer), this YIP KUM FOOK is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI and YIP KUM THIS FOOK also called the police to arrest him, using that annoying gangster as well
Many things our Master told us about him traveling for Dhamma training, the worst place in SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE because YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer) did not respect the monks and other committee members
About YIP KUM FOOK, it is better to you are escape from the Kepong area because you were my good friend in the previous days until today
YIP KUM FOOK better leave Kuala Lumpur area because someone to report to police and Sentul Police Station and Breakfield Police Station want you
We know you make more mistakes but you can't run away from the country's laws, on last time you can solve problems with pay money to shut people-mouth up, but now it's different, now is the age of technology like the internet
I hope, you will understand me what I said in the verses above, I love you in my heart like my brother and I will protect you from what people gossip about you..ok
The secretary of SAMNAK SAMBODHI (YAP LEONG LAN) said, the temple always problems and she does not know what is always the problem and who always make problems, the problem does not stop because all donations and income from dirty money or fraudulent money
This Temple built by Sangha members and devotees in Kepong or in Malaysia 30 years ago, the first in Taman Ehsan, moved Taman Desa Jaya, whose devotees are recorded in their minds always, need to think correctly, not destroy Buddhist shrines, the founders are not easy to set up in the beginning
All committees need to take care of the Buddhist Temple because you work there and take care of there but, it is not easy for all things in the Temple and you need to know is the age of technology, everyone needs to use the internet for research
Also don't make Buddha ashamed because Buddha teachings are very important for human beings in the world and don't think, Buddha teachings are for people in Kepong area only, please don't destroy Buddha because Buddha is one of the great religions in the world, UN also praises Buddha
We know your boss YIP KUM FOOK (president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI, lawyer, datuk….) but sometimes he cannot help your forever because YIP KUM FOOK so many people gossip on him in internet
Please see this YIP KUM FOOK cheated amounting to RM20,000.00, it belongs to VEN. U NANDIYA. Fundraising donation by Myanmar Devotees to buy large Buddhist marble for SAMNAK SAMBODHI in 2000 that Buddha Marble from Myanmar
Information and signature in blogspot.com by YIP KUM FOOK and please be aware of the issue as all contributions to Buddhist teachings:
SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is president, Secretary (YAP LEONG LAN) and Treasurer (NG GOOT MEE)
everything about YIP KUM FOOK who is a lawyer in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, that we want to send a letter to the Sultan of Selangor about giving the title of Datuk to the wrong person like YIP KUM FOOK, because this person is very evil in Kepong, he disturbs the monks and deceives the Myanmar monk’s money and etc.
we NGO need to remove this guy from the community because this guy is in the community so bad name if anyone doesn't trust us and anyone can ask someone in Kepong, they will answer for you
who is close friends with him, soon a problem arises because this man eats friends and cheating friends, YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) thinks only about money, that he had a lot of money but his character could not change what had been done badly in the past
man like YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is too heavy to live in this world because he was born to destroy others, he cheated and harassed monks (Sangha), and he did not benefit others, why does he want to live longer? die better a person like this
but YIP KUM FOOK doesn't know the Sangha, he doesn't know the Buddhist monk community, he easily destroyed Buddhist monks and drove Buddhist monks out of the temple, maybe he was convinced to do destroy Buddhist monks
you study law but you do not understand Buddhist teachings and practices of Dharma, how do you know the rules of Buddhist monks, if you know Buddhist karma, you will not mistakenly disturb the Buddhist monks, if you are in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and others. You will be shaken and suffer
If you are a Buddhist monk from abroad to come and stay in any Buddhist association in Malaysia, any Buddhist monk should be more careful because some Malaysian Buddhist associations as committees are very dirty in their minds and they do not have Dhamma in their mind they (without Dhamma)
For example, SAMNAK SAMBODHI one of Buddhist Temple (Malaysia Buddhist Association) located at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong… YIP KUM FOOK as president, there is another more problem because the committee is like a ghost and animals
Committees in SAMNAK SAMBODHI, they can collect any money from Buddhist monks, whose monks live in the Temple, one of our Myanmar Buddhist monks (VEN. U NANDIYA) lives there, the temple committee cheated his money about rm20,000.00, our monk is very sadly about that
On the other hand, VEN. PHRA PIYA DHAMMO from Penang also committees at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE remove him out, without any mistake, this is very stupid committees in the world
If anyone reading this message, please forward it to anyone who knows...we will protect and save Buddhists teaching
Sharing by Buddhist groups in Malaysia & Myanmar Buddhist People in Malaysia
The committee of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, the committee (YIP KUM FOOK) is red-eyed and jealous when they saw the monks have money, they planned to take money from the monks, who lived there would suffer and be dissatisfied. This is true at the Taman Desa Jaya Buddhist Temple
their temple committee members have felt nothing, so many people complain about the internet, they also like to know nothing, you must know Buddhists not only in Taman Desa Jaya and Buddhists all over the world have believed and practiced Buddha Dhamma, Our Buddha is not enforcing you to believe his teaching understand!
Don’t destroy the Dhamma and destroy the Sangha in Buddhism because we know you all are not interested in Buddhist teachings, you destroy the Sangha and you are not a Buddhist practice, you have to raise money from people’s donations only
Who are kicked monks out from Temple or who related kicked monks, that people will heavy karma in their life in this life and next life, also your family generation life unstable in forever. If you are going somewhere, the others will kick you out from society, this is results of karma
We know this YIP KUM FOOK well and we are known YIP KUM FOOK from him is a furniture shop business and truck driver to deliver furniture in Desa Jaya, Kepong, run an MCA party in Taman Daya, Kepong but you are in business, we are proud to be happy with you but not interfering with any religion We are writing this message over the internet because we want to warn you not to commit crimes against Buddhists (Sangha) anymore, you are the Datuk, the law, the president of any society, we don’t care, thank you very much.
Sharing by people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong and we are love Buddhist teaching
The King (Agong) of Malaysia also allowed his people to live in Malaysia in peace and happiness, YIP KUM FOOK did not allow Buddhists to live in Buddhist temples, YIP KUM FOOK was so proud of himself that he managed to plan to remove Buddhist monks out of temples
Each Sangha has a Guru and their mentor, if any Sangha has made trouble or disturbed any community, the community committee can report directly to the place where the sangha resides on a regular basis, that the Sangha will return to their places or temples
But YIP KUM FOOK need to know a little bit about Sanghas rules because you are a lawyer and you are a law graduate or a law degree is an academic degree conferred for studies in law, this little bit law you also don't know, how to be a lawyer in Malaysia, this makes Malaysian lawyers very low standard at all
Hope everyone needs to be careful and if you need to use a lawyer to solve your problem, also please choose a good lawyer
YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Gombak) destroyed the Sangha in Malaysia from the early 2000s to today but he will suffer until he goes from this life or the next life depending on his karma according to Buddhist teachings, he could not run it in previous times.
YIP KUM FOOK and his teams (2 police) came to Temple to force Sanghas out of the Temple, this is a rebel and insulted Buddhist teaching or insulted Buddha's place (Holy place) "YIP KUM FOOK WILL FALL IN HELL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE"
Whoever commits that karma will reciprocate. Buddha taught people to be good people to abstain from all evil and evil deeds by doing good deeds and good deeds not to encroach on the animal world and fellow humans don't give a damn
Please share with everyone to know about big karma Buddhist teaching, this YIP KUM FOOK of president SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION, at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. Kuala Lumpur
Shared by Tony Yap & Robert Buddhist Maha Vihara, 123, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Sekarang adalah SAMNAK SAMBODHI (Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) ialah tempat menyimpan hantu dan tempat membuang hantu oleh presiden YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Gombak) kerana presiden ini dalam perkara yang lebih kotor di kuil, dia tidak fikir dia sendiri adalah hantu besar dan syaitan di Malaysia, dari dulu hingga sekarang tidak pernah berhenti buat jahat, hari ini ramai orang Kepong tahu tentang dia dan apa yang dia buat
Sekarang kawan dia musuh dia sebab dia curang dengan kawan karib dia, lepas dia tipu dan jual sebidang tanah di Johor kat Encik Lim dan Encik Lim bayar dia semua, lepas tu Encik Lim nak tengok tanah tu. tetapi tidak ada tanah, Encik Lim adalah yang terakhir mengupah peguam untuk mendapatkan wang itu balik
YIP KUM FOOK tidak berasa malu dan dia sangat bodoh untuk menipu orang, mungkin dari generasi atuk dan nenek, YIP KUM FOOK seperti manusia tidak mudah mati kerana dia perlu menderita di dunia ini untuk masa yang lama, semua yang dia lakukan atau buat, dan semua akan berpindah kepada anak-anaknya akan dapat derita
menambahkan sangat penting untuk menjadi presiden kuil (persatuan Buddha), ini adalah banyak dosa dan karma berat untuk mengikuti ajaran Buddha, agama Buddha bukan untuk anda bermain dan menghina, kerana agama Buddha adalah agama manusia hormati seluruh dunia
satu hari nanti dia akan terima apa yang dia buat, awak tak boleh lari dari apa yang awak buat, awak akan hidup sendiri dan tanpa kawan..kita bersama menolak orang jahat di Malaysia dan kita sayang Malaysia
Seorang ahli politik MCA DATUK YIP KUM FOOK menghina Sultan Selangor kerana mengambil gelaran Datuk untuk menipu dan berbohong kepada orang Cina Malaysia dan dia seorang ahli perniagaan dan lain-lain, dia sentiasa sombong dan menipu wanita-wanita untuk kepentingan dirinya.
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK juga seorang peguam di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong….dia ada kedai peguam di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong.. terbuka untuk menipu orang ramai, kini ramai yang mengenali(tahu) dan mengesyakinya kerana di kawasan Kepong selalu ada masalah pada sebelum ini seperti tokong Hindu letak api di Taman Daya, Kepong tendang Sami-sami Buddha keluar dari KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI (三宝寺) dan lain-lain.
Kita semua harap Sultan Selangor mengambil kembali semua gelaran Datuk kerana jika YIP KUM FOOK diteruskan gelaran Datuk, negara kita akan runtuh dan musnah...seterusnya Taman Desa Jaya kita, Kepong akan dapat bahagia dan harmoni.
perkongsian oleh AHLI JAWATANKUASA SAMNAK SAMBODHI (三宝寺), Taman Desa Jaya, terdahulu
为了更安宁的未来,在马华的良心泯起时,请马华基于人道主义这方面,请自我解散吧 This Datuk Yip Kum Fook is very bad because he cheated people everywhere and also bring politics to play in Buddhist Temple, now Buddhist Temple is near collapse and destroy.... Chinese and local people are not going to Temple already..
We hope the ruler of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Cancel or revoke this title of Datuk ship DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 because he is very bad in the Chinese community in Malaysia, also very disturbed Buddhist monks, anyone can write a letter to the Sultan of Selangor to inform about MCA YIP KUM FOOK叶金福
We also hope that everyone loves Malaysia, do not mess it up and don't like other people, only then can we live in this country in peace and happiness. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 is very proud of himself, now the world is different from the past and now many people have education, you cannot fool them
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福made the Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) destroyed and now the Temple is near to collapse because he is playing politics in the temple, everyone know about that
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK ni macam hantu sebab dia makan duit semua orang, duit sami Buddha dan juga perempuan curang di mana-mana, kalau DATUK YIP mati satu hari nanti dia akan jatuh ke dalam neraka yang sangat besar, memalukan manusia ini.
Dia membakar Kuil Hindu di Taman Daya, Kepong bertahun-tahun yang lalu kerana dia mahu di sana untuk membuka kedai perabotnya, ini adalah idea yang sangat buruk...sekarang kumpulan India di Taman Daya tahu siapa yang membuatnya, Datuk Yip ini akan takut tinggal di kepong, sekarang ada samseng atau samseng (kepong) lawan dia sebab dia tak pernah bagi duit untuk service charge (ramai orang kata)
Dia mencipta dirinya seperti orang rohani tetapi dalam fikirannya seperti hantu untuk menghisap darah semua orang, kawan-kawannya juga dia menipu...ramai orang menderita kerana Datuk Yip menggunakan polis dan samseng (samseng) untuk mengganggu mereka yang menentangnya, hari ini ramai orang tahu siapa yang teruk di Kepong
Nombor kedua yang dicipta ialah Simon Low Kok Meng (Taman Daya, kedai perabot Datuk yip berdekatan) Simon Low Kok Meng ialah abang ipar dan pengawal peribadi Datuk Yip atau keselamatan dan pengintip.... Simon Low ini lebih kepada drama lakonan. (Depan adalah kawan yang sangat baik tetapi belakang seperti hantu besar)
Saya Encik Lim dan kewarganegaraan saya adalah warganegara Malaysia (komuniti Cina dan ahli MCA) dan saya adalah pengasas Kuil Buddha Samnak Sambodi bersama Guru saya di Taman Ehsan dan berpindah ke Taman Desa Jaya, berhampiran Taman Daya, Kepong kerana kami sudah mengenali masing-masing. lain, apa yang berlaku kepada Kuil (Samnak Sambodhi)
Datuk Yip Kum Fook juga teruk kerana apa-apa berlaku atau sedikit masalah juga maklumkan kepada polis dan samseng, jika anda seorang peguam yang tahu undang-undang tidak perlu menghubungi polis dan samseng(samseng) menyelesaikan masalah (beberapa perkara juga hubungi polis, kadang-kadang polis tidak ada masa untuk anda (Datuk Yip faham!)
Sila kongsi dengan semua orang untuk melindungi dan menyelamatkan MCA dan Buddha Dhamma Lim dan rakan-rakan….Kepong Translated by Vira….Kepong
Anonymous said... Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN, Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri, Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim? Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A
Kami Yang Benar, RAKYAT GOMBAK ************************************************** Tuan Yip, kamu tidak menyentuh agamaku (Islam) kerana kamu menghantar mesej tentang Islamku dengan teruk dan menghina NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. di internet, jika anda berbuat demikian sekali lagi, saya serius akan melakukan sesuatu kepada anda oleh Zulkifli Mohamad
Semua orang kena berhati-hati dengan DATUK YIP KUM FOOK DAN SIMON LOW KOK MENG kerana mereka kumpul IC (kad pengenalan) untuk berniaga, dan ramai yang menjadi mangsa perkara ini.
Ramai orang kata ambil IC dari ahli mana-mana kuil Buddha untuk main politik juga, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK bekas pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya, Kepong, ketika itu menipu ramai orang dan menggunakan samseng untuk membakar Kuil Hindu, Taman Daya. kerana dia memerlukan tempat untuk perniagaannya (kedai perabot)
Ramai orang berkata, bahawa sekarang dia tinggal seorang diri di rumah tanpa kawan, dan pada waktu malam tidak keluar rumah, ada yang mengatakan dia mempunyai penyakit otak, ini adalah dosa terbesar dalam agama Buddha.
Dia tidak boleh lari dari apa yang dia lakukan, dia akan membayar semua penipuan, kita tahu apa yang dia lakukan sekarang.......
ReplyDeleteJusteru itu adalah amat wajar gelaran datuk yang disandang oleh Yip Kum Fook digugurkan atau patus ditarik balik. Perbuatan Yip Kum Fook merupakan satu penghinaan keatas gelaran datuk! . Amat memalukan seorang yang bergelar datuk membuat kerja kotor sebegini!!. Ia satu kesalahan jenayah (sombong, tipu, fitnah). Mana mungkin seorang bergelar datuk terlibat dengan jenayah!!
Rakyat Buddhisme supaya tidak mudah diperbodoh-bodoh dengan lakonan politik kotor dalam Kuil Buddha untuk mengaibkan individu tertentu. “Kita dijadikan ‘penonton bodoh’ yang seakan-akan merelakan apa sahaja watak yang mereka lakonkan”.
“Politik kita memerlukan nafas baru dan dibersihkan dari golongan yang jijik dan kotor ini! Kita perlukan politik idea, bagaimana dan cara membangunkan umat dan rakyat agar hidup berdisiplin, bermaruah dan bertamadun.
“Buddhisme melarang didedahkan aib peribadi yang tidak membabitkan kezaliman terhadap orang lain seperti zina, minum arak, berjudi dan seumpamanya(Five precepts) hendaklah ditutup semampu mungkin.
“Tiada keperluan menubuhkan suruhanjaya khas bagi kes-kes maksiat peribadi. Ini hanya akan membazirkan harta rakyat,” katanya
Kepada YB. Perdana Menteri Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak,
ReplyDeleteDi sini saya ingin mengatakan bahawa BN kalah bukanlah koncern BN tak baik, khas nya MCA kerana kebanyakan Ahli MCA cabangan bawah, pemimpinnya sudah berjaya sombong dan tidak berkhimat dan ular, olih itu mengakibatkan ramai Malay, Cina dan India naik marah dan kalah PRU 13 teruk
Contohnya yang saya tahu Pengerusi MCA GOMBAK YIP KUM FOOK dan Permuda MCA GOMBAK YIP JIUN HANN, mereka ular sampai wang Tokong pun berani telang dan halau Sami Buddha keluar dari tokong, orang ramai benci MCA.
Apabila mereka tolong Donald Lim Siang Chai di Selayang, orang ramai salah sangka Donald Lim sama satu kaki……
Sekira MCA cuba ingin memulit nama baik dan sokongan olih orang ramai semula, pemimpin seperti ini patut di kikis dengan bersih dalam parti, Kalau tidak sampai bila pun susah memulit semangat
Sekian, Terima kasih
Kepada setia usaha UMNO Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan bin Tengku Mansor, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, Presiden MIC Datuk Seri G. Palanivel, Presiden PPP Dr. Kanagaratnam Pillai dan pemimpin-pemimpin komponen BN,
ReplyDeleteDemi kepentingan Negara kami YIP KUM FOOK (Ketua MCA GOMBAK) NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR JALAN 53, DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100, KL Ketua Pemuda MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN, No. Suite 3.43, Kompleks Desa, Jalan Kepong,, 52100, Kuala Lumpur. Jayanti B. Balaguru (Pengurusi parti gerakan Segambot) dan Ooi Ah Bah (Chia Ooi Sun & Co.) Advocates & Solicitors No. 48-1, 1st Floor Jalan Brunei Utara off Changkat Thambi Dollah, Pudu, KL.
Dengan segala hormatnya disini, harap semua pemimpin-pemimpin parti komponen BN sebulat suara menjemput bekas perdana menteri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Ke Putra Jaya menolong kerajaan mentadbir Negara mencapai kejayaan lebih cemerlang
Kami yakin berkeliber dan pengalaman bekas Perdana Menteri Dr. Mahathir bolih melindungi kedaulatan dan mengekalkan keamanan Negara. Harap Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad jangan mengecewakan Rakyat Malaysia
Sekian dimaklum,
Terima Kasih
ReplyDelete甲洞No. 38 Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia三宝寺主席YIP KUM FOOK律师,家住No. 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur其人实事是一个骗财骗色的大老千。早期他加入甲洞三宝寺時,利用他的歪念知識,横行霸道,迫走知道内情的和尚和会员, 自便到处欺骗,私吞三宝寺的钱财,还敢向警察报案说三宝进贼,帐记被偷,损失惨重的案件,事实是他私吞三宝寺的钱财,自盗毁灭,他知法犯法,贪意妄为的行径,的确令人震惊而愤怒,
他当任马华公会主席的時代,更坏事干尽, 恶名昭彰, 连破坏别人家庭之事,他也不手软,这不知羞耻的人 实事是民族的败数,佛教的叛徒。
最近 ,他又想借用三宝寺举辦30周年纪念及建观音殿,我们顾虑他重蹈过去的恶行, 所认特函公告社会善心人士,要谨慎,不要再被阴险笑裡藏刀的恶徒,继续欺骗,为害社会.
全国509大选,马华公会大败,其因马华公党内太多像 Yip Kum Fook 及 Yip Jiun Hann父子律师的领导層,行为缺德, 损人利己,高傲目大,不可一视,所引发人民不满的一部份,马华公会若想重振历史雄风, 类似以上的觉员必须清理,走入基層,否则免谈。
To all the esteemed brothers and sisters.
ReplyDeleteWe are a Myanmar group in Malaysia; we have lived in Malaysia for a decade and always go to the temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION) No: 19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and we are very sad and sorry with the Temple Committee Members because they use monks as like animals, we are in the wrong notion of the Buddhist teachings or the rules of the Buddha. We came to this Temple to help the Monks and respected our religion.
That the Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI) is a Chairman named Datuk YIP KUM FOOK (Chairman of MCA Gombak Division), our monks said and they invited our monks from Myanmar to take care of the Temple but without making any payment to our monks, they added and disrespected them of us Monks and at times he ordered his people to collect items such as paper, and so on. The chairman took the mineral water without informing any word to our monks. In our religion we believe we cannot take any Holy Place (Temple) all are the sins, if we took... this chairman of Temple is very badly like animals, he without knowledge in Buddhism at all….
In the previous, our monks said the Committee Member always asked for money from him, when our monk gave RM20, 000.00 in cash in 2001 to the Chairman (Yip kum Fook), then the Committee was silent, the Committee then made trouble with one of our Sami named Ven. U Nandiya again and revoked our monk (Visa permit) permit to stay in Malaysia, then our monk (Sadayaw U Nandiya) went to Australia and our monk did not come to the Temple in the long run. Datuk Yip Kum Fook (Chairman of MCA Gombak division) gave a notebook computer to our monk for the protection of the amount of money, this is what our monk told;
Many locals around the Temple said, now no more people come to this Temple because Committee Members are always making trouble or very arrogant and we heard from locals say: Yip Kum Fook (Chairman of MCA Gombak division) ordered his people to burn the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong because he needed the place to make a furniture store business, this happened a few years ago. Everyone knows what is being done for the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
And we need to share all detail information about this YIP KUM FOOK & SAMNAK SAMBODHI to all Buddhist devotees in the world…. this YIP KUM FOOK will more suffer and he will vomit out in what he eats…KARMA...OK
To those involved:
ReplyDeleteThe Buddha's drive was not focused on the creation of new political institutions and the establishment of political arrangements. It basically seeks to address the problems of society by reforming the individuals that make up that society and by introducing some general principles by which society can be guided towards more humanism. Better welfare of members and more equitable sharing of resources
On the other hand, May Datuk Yip Kum Fook, the father of the Buddha, because he can play dirty politics inside a Buddhist temple (SANMAK SAMBODHI) at 19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia if the Buddha is still alive. The Buddha would shout to his father because he had little knowledge. Why were the people of the temple so foolish with the humans chosen as the head of the crooks?
However, this does not mean that Buddhists cannot or should not participate in the political process which is a fact of society. The lives of members of society are dictated by laws and regulations. The permissible economic arrangements within the country, the institutionalization which is influenced by the political arrangement of the society. wrong to gain political power and it is not advisable for those who have given up their worldly lives to pursue a pure religious life to participate actively in politics.
Brickfields, KL.
Saudara dan saudari yang mencintai Dharma
ReplyDeleteBiar saya ceritakan sejarah tentang SAMNAK SAMBODHI, TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. Kali terakhir kami menjadi ahli kuil tetapi kini kami berjauhan kerana kini Ahli Jawatankuasa amat berbangga dengan aktiviti dan tugas kuil.
Sebaliknya, presiden kuil sekarang ialah YIP KUM FOOK dan anaknya YIP JIUN HANN. Anaknya selalu berkata kepada para penganut: KUIL INI ADALAH KUIL BAPA SAYA. Atau ayah saya punnya harta …kami semua diam, kerana Kami tahu kuil ini dari mana asalnya...
Kini AHLI JAWATANKUASA kuil adalah satu-satunya kumpulan mereka sahaja. Orang lain tidak boleh menyertai sebagai ahli dan menggunakan sami Myanmar hanya untuk perkhidmatan dan berkat. Hanya sami Myanmar sahaja yang sangat fikiran cerdik (Semua sami dari Myanmar berpangkat DR atau PH. D), tetapi penganut di sini sangat keliru kerana penganut Buddha di sini tidak pernah mendengar nama itu (gelaran).
Jika kita faham ajaran Buddha yang mencipta KARMA BURUK. akan menerima apa yang telah dilakukan
oleh Jawatankuasa sebelumnya
Samnak Sambodhi, Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL
Jurutera didenda RM40,000 palsu tandatangan berhubung pembinaan bangle
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang jurutera sebuah syarikat perunding pembinaan didenda RM40,000 oleh Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini selepas mengaku bersalah atas pertuduhan memalsukan tandatangan pada sebuah dokumen berhubung cadangan pembinaan sebuah banglo.
Hakim Azura Alwi menjatuhkan hukuman itu ke atas Toh Hwee Sheng, 46, dan memerintahkannya dipenjara enam bulan jika gagal membayar denda itu.
Toh didakwa dengan curangnya menggunakan suatu dokumen sebagai tulen iaitu sebuah buku ‘Structure Design Calculation’ bertarikh 2 Ogos 2014 berhubung kiraan dan pelan struktur bagi cadangan membina sebuah banglo dua setengah tingkat di atas Lot PT 1, No 1, Jalan 5, Selayang Baru, Mukim Batu, Gombak, Selangor daripada Lieng Consult kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook iaitu pemilik tanah yang mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai dokumen itu adalah palsu.
Tertuduh didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu antara 2 hingga 12 Ogos 2014, di No 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya Kepong di sini, mengikut Seksyen 471 Kanun Keseksaan yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 465 kanun sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum dua tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya.
Pegawai Pendakwa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Mohd Aliff Shaharuzaman memohon hukuman setimpal bagi memberi pengajaran kepada tertuduh kerana amalan pemalsuan dan meniru tandatangan pemilik syarikat adalah kesalahan serius dan menjadi barah dalam masyarakat jika tidak ditangani.
Tertuduh yang tidak diwakili peguam merayu hukuman denda dikenakan ke atasnya dengan jumlah yang minimum kerana dia mempunyai tanggungan termasuk ibu yang berumur 76 tahun.
“Ini adalah kesalahan pertama dan saya tiada rekod jenayah. Saya amat kesal dan insaf atas kesalahan ini dan berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi, jadi saya mohon hukuman denda minimum tanpa hukuman penjara,” katanya.
Mengikut fakta kes, pada 2013, Yip Kum Fook iaitu bekas Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Selayang mengarahkan syarikat tertuduh bekerja iaitu Lieng Consult menyediakan Borang A, Kiraan Struktur dan Pelan Struktur bagi cadangan membina sebuah banglo dua setengah tingkat di atas lot tersebut, namun penyediaan dokumen itu tanpa pengetahuan Lieng Wei Ming selaku pemilik syarikat.
Lieng memaklumkan semua dokumen itu tidak dikeluarkan oleh syarikatnya dan mengesahkan tandatangan pada dokumen itu juga bukan miliknya.
Selain itu, tertuduh juga menerima wang RM10,000 daripada Yip atas pembayaran kerja yang dilakukan iaitu menyediakan semua dokumen itu dan hasil semakan Bahagian Forensik SPRM mengesahkan tandatangan pada dokumen ‘Structure Design Calculation’ adalah berbeza dengan spesimen tandatangan diambil daripada Lieng. -Bernama
Kerajaan Malaysia akan memeriksa Yip Kum Fook (peguam dan presiden Samnak Sambodhi atau persatuan Buddha, Taman Desa Jaya, kepong) kerana peguam ini menipu orang di mana-mana......Yip Kum Fook & Associates, Kuala Lumpur... No. 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur
We inform everyone in Malaysia and Australia about YIP KUM FOOK(lawyer). He is the chairman of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteThis YIP KUM FOOK do not refund Rm20,000.00 to our Ven. Nandiya (Myanmar Monk), he recently lived in Australia Buddhist Temple SASANA DAJA 49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe, NSW 2141 Australia
If anyone goes to SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, please inform to (Yip Kum Fook) about the refund of monks.
May you all do good deeds and protect the Buddha. Protection is better than doing anything in Buddhism.
By Myanmar Buddhist in Malaysia
We are a SAMNAK SAMBODHI group that opened in Taman Ehsan move to Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong in 1992, then Temple has bought the place as it is now the place
ReplyDeleteAs such, we are a set of committee members for our SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. Shia Kok Sun president at that time, then YIP KUM FOOK took over from Shia Kok Sun without any meeting
Shia Kok Sun & family worked hard to develop our Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple, when YIP KUM FOOK became president, then slowly problems arose because this YIP KUM FOOK was political, all ideas about politic
At that time YIP KUM FOOK was the MCA in Taman Daya, Kepong, also this YIP KUM FOOK was playing politics at the Temple because he needed to gather more supporters for politics, sometimes he invited some politicians to join the ceremony at the Temple
This YIP KUM FOOK pushed the monk out of the Temple and also called the police to arrest the Buddhist monk, then he closed the temple door and cheated people money and cheated Myanmar monk’s money
He is called Datuk but we do not mention Datuk because we are ashamed of people, if we call him Datuk, this is a shame for our Sultan of Selangor because of the title from the sultan of Selangor
We do not say more, everyone can research on the internet, if everyone would like to know more information about YIP KUM FOOK, please go to GOOGLE & YOUTUBE, also please share and forward to everyone
By Ms Chan and Buddhist group, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL
YIP KUM FOOK menghancurkan Sangha kerana dia memaksa Sami Buddha keluar dari Kuil dan kemudian mengunci kuil, juga memanggil polis untuk menangkap Sami Buddha, juga menggunakan samseng untuk memusnahkan Sami Buddha
ReplyDeleteRamai yang menyamannya di mahkamah, seperti steven Lee (saudara selayang Mall), pasar burung(ah Choy) En Lim Sg. Buluh and etc. juga dia menipu duit Sami Myanmar (Ven. Nandaya) lebih kurang RM20,000.00 tak pernah bayar balik tapi masih tak tahu.
Datuk (Yip Kum Fook) ini sangat teruk seperti binatang; semua orang kena titah apa-apa kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Agong) kerana malu seluruh Malaysia bergelar Datuk, kita akan perutusan kepada sultan Selangor
Oleh, lee kepong
The largest rebel against Buddhists and Hindu in Malaysia is YIP KUM FOOK and he is a lawyer in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, maybe his lawyer is a fake certificate because he is not like someone who studied law. Lawyers must be at least 6 years to study, but we're the same age, but we've never seen him take that class because YIP KUM FOOK is busy with a furniture store business in Kepong area
ReplyDeleteHe ordered the people to burn the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong because at that time he was the MCA chairman in Taman Daya and he had power there, the other because he needed a place to set up his furniture shop business
In Buddhism, he was the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong in 1994, before the president of the temple was SHIA KOK SUN, YIP KUM FOOK this joined the committee members then he rejected SHIA KOK SUN, then he took over as president
Happened at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, from him taking over the presidential temple, was never peaceful and always a problem because he was a trouble maker, pushing the old committee and various making a mess in the Temple
Instead, he defrauded a Myanmar monk (ven. Nandiya) of about rm20,000.00, called police and gangster to remove the Buddhist monk, a monk is from Penang (Ven. Piya Dhammo), and ordered his group to lock down the temple
YIP KUM FOOK will receive his Karma in what he does, all the GODS have seen and always commented on him and he will suffer forever in this life and the next life… all need to care about YIP KUM FOOK…
Description by Cikgu Cheong
This is with your message Excellent and please share with everyone .... thank you ... by Hindu groups in Malaysia
VEN. PIYADHAMMO originally from Penang came to Samnak Sambodhi, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, to visit and practice the Dhamma but he was unlucky to meet President SAMNAK SAMBODHI as YIP KUM FOOK, this president is very cruel, narrow –minded and action(proud), he is more jealous of who is better than him
ReplyDeleteYIP KUM FOOK this does not know about the teachings of Buddhism and Kamma in Buddhism because what is meant by Buddhist monks, also he does not know what Sanghas in Buddhism, he does not know Buddhists, here are monks, monks are the disciple of Buddha
Every Bhikkhu, they have their master to advise and take care of, if they go make trouble somewhere, someone has to report to their master, not you (YIP KUM FOOK) to remove the Bhikkhu from the Temple
From that time till now, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE is not peaceful because of you (YIP KUM FOOK), your mind is very dirty, add you with your friend also you cheat on them, this is your friends who said, about you, next you will live alone…..
Shared by Lawrence Kong, Taman Ehsan
Venerable PHRA PIYA DHAMMO is a retired police officer of the Singapore narcotics criminal investigation department, after he retired and he joined the monastic life at the Mahindarama Temple in Penang under Venerable Dr. Elgiriye Indarathana, the incumbent chief at the time
ReplyDeleteLater, he practiced Buddhist teachings, Dhamma, and temple rules by wearing white clothes for three years before being ordained a Buddhist monk and he lived with a chief monk for five years to study full subjects in Buddhism to follow the rules of Vinaya (culture, morality, meditation and others)
Therefore, my Master (Phra Piya Dhammo) said, he travelled to many places to practice the Dhamma and gain more experience in the areas of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Melaka
And he stopped at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong for training under a good MASTER there, but so many Ghosts to be bothered as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer), this YIP KUM FOOK is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI and YIP KUM THIS FOOK also called the police to arrest him, using that annoying gangster as well
Many things our Master told us about him traveling for Dhamma training, the worst place in SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE because YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer) did not respect the monks and other committee members
About YIP KUM FOOK, it is better to you are escape from the Kepong area because you were my good friend in the previous days until today
ReplyDeleteYIP KUM FOOK better leave Kuala Lumpur area because someone to report to police and Sentul Police Station and Breakfield Police Station want you
We know you make more mistakes but you can't run away from the country's laws, on last time you can solve problems with pay money to shut people-mouth up, but now it's different, now is the age of technology like the internet
I hope, you will understand me what I said in the verses above, I love you in my heart like my brother and I will protect you from what people gossip about you..ok
Lee, Selayang
The secretary of SAMNAK SAMBODHI (YAP LEONG LAN) said, the temple always problems and she does not know what is always the problem and who always make problems, the problem does not stop because all donations and income from dirty money or fraudulent money
ReplyDeleteThis Temple built by Sangha members and devotees in Kepong or in Malaysia 30 years ago, the first in Taman Ehsan, moved Taman Desa Jaya, whose devotees are recorded in their minds always, need to think correctly, not destroy Buddhist shrines, the founders are not easy to set up in the beginning
All committees need to take care of the Buddhist Temple because you work there and take care of there but, it is not easy for all things in the Temple and you need to know is the age of technology, everyone needs to use the internet for research
Also don't make Buddha ashamed because Buddha teachings are very important for human beings in the world and don't think, Buddha teachings are for people in Kepong area only, please don't destroy Buddha because Buddha is one of the great religions in the world, UN also praises Buddha
We know your boss YIP KUM FOOK (president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI, lawyer, datuk….) but sometimes he cannot help your forever because YIP KUM FOOK so many people gossip on him in internet
Sharing by Buddhist group in Kepong
Please see this YIP KUM FOOK cheated amounting to RM20,000.00, it belongs to VEN. U NANDIYA. Fundraising donation by Myanmar Devotees to buy large Buddhist marble for SAMNAK SAMBODHI in 2000 that Buddha Marble from Myanmar
ReplyDeleteInformation and signature in blogspot.com by YIP KUM FOOK and please be aware of the issue as all contributions to Buddhist teachings:
SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is president, Secretary (YAP LEONG LAN) and Treasurer (NG GOOT MEE)
everything about YIP KUM FOOK who is a lawyer in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, that we want to send a letter to the Sultan of Selangor about giving the title of Datuk to the wrong person like YIP KUM FOOK, because this person is very evil in Kepong, he disturbs the monks and deceives the Myanmar monk’s money and etc.
ReplyDeletewe NGO need to remove this guy from the community because this guy is in the community so bad name if anyone doesn't trust us and anyone can ask someone in Kepong, they will answer for you
who is close friends with him, soon a problem arises because this man eats friends and cheating friends, YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) thinks only about money, that he had a lot of money but his character could not change what had been done badly in the past
sharing by ah foo, Klang
man like YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is too heavy to live in this world because he was born to destroy others, he cheated and harassed monks (Sangha), and he did not benefit others, why does he want to live longer? die better a person like this
ReplyDeletebut YIP KUM FOOK doesn't know the Sangha, he doesn't know the Buddhist monk community, he easily destroyed Buddhist monks and drove Buddhist monks out of the temple, maybe he was convinced to do destroy Buddhist monks
you study law but you do not understand Buddhist teachings and practices of Dharma, how do you know the rules of Buddhist monks, if you know Buddhist karma, you will not mistakenly disturb the Buddhist monks, if you are in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and others. You will be shaken and suffer
shared by Goh, Kajang
If you are a Buddhist monk from abroad to come and stay in any Buddhist association in Malaysia, any Buddhist monk should be more careful because some Malaysian Buddhist associations as committees are very dirty in their minds and they do not have Dhamma in their mind they (without Dhamma)
ReplyDeleteFor example, SAMNAK SAMBODHI one of Buddhist Temple (Malaysia Buddhist Association) located at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong… YIP KUM FOOK as president, there is another more problem because the committee is like a ghost and animals
Committees in SAMNAK SAMBODHI, they can collect any money from Buddhist monks, whose monks live in the Temple, one of our Myanmar Buddhist monks (VEN. U NANDIYA) lives there, the temple committee cheated his money about rm20,000.00, our monk is very sadly about that
On the other hand, VEN. PHRA PIYA DHAMMO from Penang also committees at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE remove him out, without any mistake, this is very stupid committees in the world
If anyone reading this message, please forward it to anyone who knows...we will protect and save Buddhists teaching
Sharing by Buddhist groups in Malaysia & Myanmar Buddhist People in Malaysia
The committee of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, the committee (YIP KUM FOOK) is red-eyed and jealous when they saw the monks have money, they planned to take money from the monks, who lived there would suffer and be dissatisfied. This is true at the Taman Desa Jaya Buddhist Temple
ReplyDeletetheir temple committee members have felt nothing, so many people complain about the internet, they also like to know nothing, you must know Buddhists not only in Taman Desa Jaya and Buddhists all over the world have believed and practiced Buddha Dhamma, Our Buddha is not enforcing you to believe his teaching understand!
Don’t destroy the Dhamma and destroy the Sangha in Buddhism because we know you all are not interested in Buddhist teachings, you destroy the Sangha and you are not a Buddhist practice, you have to raise money from people’s donations only
Who are kicked monks out from Temple or who related kicked monks, that people will heavy karma in their life in this life and next life, also your family generation life unstable in forever. If you are going somewhere, the others will kick you out from society, this is results of karma
We know this YIP KUM FOOK well and we are known YIP KUM FOOK from him is a furniture shop business and truck driver to deliver furniture in Desa Jaya, Kepong, run an MCA party in Taman Daya, Kepong but you are in business, we are proud to be happy with you but not interfering with any religion
We are writing this message over the internet because we want to warn you not to commit crimes against Buddhists (Sangha) anymore, you are the Datuk, the law, the president of any society, we don’t care, thank you very much.
Sharing by people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong and we are love Buddhist teaching
The King (Agong) of Malaysia also allowed his people to live in Malaysia in peace and happiness, YIP KUM FOOK did not allow Buddhists to live in Buddhist temples, YIP KUM FOOK was so proud of himself that he managed to plan to remove Buddhist monks out of temples
ReplyDeleteEach Sangha has a Guru and their mentor, if any Sangha has made trouble or disturbed any community, the community committee can report directly to the place where the sangha resides on a regular basis, that the Sangha will return to their places or temples
But YIP KUM FOOK need to know a little bit about Sanghas rules because you are a lawyer and you are a law graduate or a law degree is an academic degree conferred for studies in law, this little bit law you also don't know, how to be a lawyer in Malaysia, this makes Malaysian lawyers very low standard at all
Hope everyone needs to be careful and if you need to use a lawyer to solve your problem, also please choose a good lawyer
Miss Ang, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Gombak) destroyed the Sangha in Malaysia from the early 2000s to today but he will suffer until he goes from this life or the next life depending on his karma according to Buddhist teachings, he could not run it in previous times.
ReplyDeleteYIP KUM FOOK and his teams (2 police) came to Temple to force Sanghas out of the Temple, this is a rebel and insulted Buddhist teaching or insulted Buddha's place (Holy place) "YIP KUM FOOK WILL FALL IN HELL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE"
Whoever commits that karma will reciprocate. Buddha taught people to be good people to abstain from all evil and evil deeds by doing good deeds and good deeds not to encroach on the animal world and fellow humans don't give a damn
Please share with everyone to know about big karma Buddhist teaching, this YIP KUM FOOK of president SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION, at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. Kuala Lumpur
Shared by Tony Yap & Robert
Buddhist Maha Vihara, 123, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Sekarang adalah SAMNAK SAMBODHI (Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) ialah tempat menyimpan hantu dan tempat membuang hantu oleh presiden YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Gombak) kerana presiden ini dalam perkara yang lebih kotor di kuil, dia tidak fikir dia sendiri adalah hantu besar dan syaitan di Malaysia, dari dulu hingga sekarang tidak pernah berhenti buat jahat, hari ini ramai orang Kepong tahu tentang dia dan apa yang dia buat
ReplyDeleteSekarang kawan dia musuh dia sebab dia curang dengan kawan karib dia, lepas dia tipu dan jual sebidang tanah di Johor kat Encik Lim dan Encik Lim bayar dia semua, lepas tu Encik Lim nak tengok tanah tu. tetapi tidak ada tanah, Encik Lim adalah yang terakhir mengupah peguam untuk mendapatkan wang itu balik
YIP KUM FOOK tidak berasa malu dan dia sangat bodoh untuk menipu orang, mungkin dari generasi atuk dan nenek, YIP KUM FOOK seperti manusia tidak mudah mati kerana dia perlu menderita di dunia ini untuk masa yang lama, semua yang dia lakukan atau buat, dan semua akan berpindah kepada anak-anaknya akan dapat derita
menambahkan sangat penting untuk menjadi presiden kuil (persatuan Buddha), ini adalah banyak dosa dan karma berat untuk mengikuti ajaran Buddha, agama Buddha bukan untuk anda bermain dan menghina, kerana agama Buddha adalah agama manusia hormati seluruh dunia
satu hari nanti dia akan terima apa yang dia buat, awak tak boleh lari dari apa yang awak buat, awak akan hidup sendiri dan tanpa kawan..kita bersama menolak orang jahat di Malaysia dan kita sayang Malaysia
Daripada Rakyat Kepong (Mr. Ng & Mr. Lim)
Seorang ahli politik MCA DATUK YIP KUM FOOK menghina Sultan Selangor kerana mengambil gelaran Datuk untuk menipu dan berbohong kepada orang Cina Malaysia dan dia seorang ahli perniagaan dan lain-lain, dia sentiasa sombong dan menipu wanita-wanita untuk kepentingan dirinya.
ReplyDeleteDATUK YIP KUM FOOK juga seorang peguam di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong….dia ada kedai peguam di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong.. terbuka untuk menipu orang ramai, kini ramai yang mengenali(tahu) dan mengesyakinya kerana di kawasan Kepong selalu ada masalah pada sebelum ini seperti tokong Hindu letak api di Taman Daya, Kepong tendang Sami-sami Buddha keluar dari KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI (三宝寺) dan lain-lain.
Kita semua harap Sultan Selangor mengambil kembali semua gelaran Datuk kerana jika YIP KUM FOOK diteruskan gelaran Datuk, negara kita akan runtuh dan musnah...seterusnya Taman Desa Jaya kita, Kepong akan dapat bahagia dan harmoni.
perkongsian oleh AHLI JAWATANKUASA SAMNAK SAMBODHI (三宝寺), Taman Desa Jaya, terdahulu
马华,以及雪州联委会副主席拿督叶金福(yip kum fook),还算是人吗?
This Datuk Yip Kum Fook is very bad because he cheated people everywhere and also bring politics to play in Buddhist Temple, now Buddhist Temple is near collapse and destroy.... Chinese and local people are not going to Temple already..
We hope the ruler of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Cancel or revoke this title of Datuk ship DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 because he is very bad in the Chinese community in Malaysia, also very disturbed Buddhist monks, anyone can write a letter to the Sultan of Selangor to inform about MCA YIP KUM FOOK叶金福
ReplyDeleteWe also hope that everyone loves Malaysia, do not mess it up and don't like other people, only then can we live in this country in peace and happiness. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 is very proud of himself, now the world is different from the past and now many people have education, you cannot fool them
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福made the Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) destroyed and now the Temple is near to collapse because he is playing politics in the temple, everyone know about that
Sharing by Tony Toh & friends
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK ni macam hantu sebab dia makan duit semua orang, duit sami Buddha dan juga perempuan curang di mana-mana, kalau DATUK YIP mati satu hari nanti dia akan jatuh ke dalam neraka yang sangat besar, memalukan manusia ini.
ReplyDeleteDia membakar Kuil Hindu di Taman Daya, Kepong bertahun-tahun yang lalu kerana dia mahu di sana untuk membuka kedai perabotnya, ini adalah idea yang sangat buruk...sekarang kumpulan India di Taman Daya tahu siapa yang membuatnya, Datuk Yip ini akan takut tinggal di kepong, sekarang ada samseng atau samseng (kepong) lawan dia sebab dia tak pernah bagi duit untuk service charge (ramai orang kata)
Dia mencipta dirinya seperti orang rohani tetapi dalam fikirannya seperti hantu untuk menghisap darah semua orang, kawan-kawannya juga dia menipu...ramai orang menderita kerana Datuk Yip menggunakan polis dan samseng (samseng) untuk mengganggu mereka yang menentangnya, hari ini ramai orang tahu siapa yang teruk di Kepong
Nombor kedua yang dicipta ialah Simon Low Kok Meng (Taman Daya, kedai perabot Datuk yip berdekatan) Simon Low Kok Meng ialah abang ipar dan pengawal peribadi Datuk Yip atau keselamatan dan pengintip.... Simon Low ini lebih kepada drama lakonan. (Depan adalah kawan yang sangat baik tetapi belakang seperti hantu besar)
Saya Encik Lim dan kewarganegaraan saya adalah warganegara Malaysia (komuniti Cina dan ahli MCA) dan saya adalah pengasas Kuil Buddha Samnak Sambodi bersama Guru saya di Taman Ehsan dan berpindah ke Taman Desa Jaya, berhampiran Taman Daya, Kepong kerana kami sudah mengenali masing-masing. lain, apa yang berlaku kepada Kuil (Samnak Sambodhi)
Datuk Yip Kum Fook juga teruk kerana apa-apa berlaku atau sedikit masalah juga maklumkan kepada polis dan samseng, jika anda seorang peguam yang tahu undang-undang tidak perlu menghubungi polis dan samseng(samseng) menyelesaikan masalah (beberapa perkara juga hubungi polis, kadang-kadang polis tidak ada masa untuk anda (Datuk Yip faham!)
Sila kongsi dengan semua orang untuk melindungi dan menyelamatkan MCA dan Buddha Dhamma
Lim dan rakan-rakan….Kepong
Translated by Vira….Kepong
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteKetua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A
Kami Yang Benar,
Tuan Yip, kamu tidak menyentuh agamaku (Islam) kerana kamu menghantar mesej tentang Islamku dengan teruk dan menghina NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. di internet, jika anda berbuat demikian sekali lagi, saya serius akan melakukan sesuatu kepada anda
oleh Zulkifli Mohamad
Semua orang kena berhati-hati dengan DATUK YIP KUM FOOK DAN SIMON LOW KOK MENG kerana mereka kumpul IC (kad pengenalan) untuk berniaga, dan ramai yang menjadi mangsa perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteRamai orang kata ambil IC dari ahli mana-mana kuil Buddha untuk main politik juga, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK bekas pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya, Kepong, ketika itu menipu ramai orang dan menggunakan samseng untuk membakar Kuil Hindu, Taman Daya. kerana dia memerlukan tempat untuk perniagaannya (kedai perabot)
Ramai orang berkata, bahawa sekarang dia tinggal seorang diri di rumah tanpa kawan, dan pada waktu malam tidak keluar rumah, ada yang mengatakan dia mempunyai penyakit otak, ini adalah dosa terbesar dalam agama Buddha.
Dia tidak boleh lari dari apa yang dia lakukan, dia akan membayar semua penipuan, kita tahu apa yang dia lakukan sekarang.......
Lim, Taman Daya, Kepong